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Sale of urns for animals of Campania

A great love for animals and the desire to promote the culture of memory and respect for pets led Angel Service Russo, of giugliano in Campania, to create a structure that offers funeral services for pets carried out with care and attention.
The company takes care of their cremation and the return of the ashes in urns for animals with refined design.
Thanks to the company van, Angel Service Russo carries out services of collection of the spoils at home or at the veterinary clinic also on holidays and by appointment outside working hours.
With the aim of serving customers in the best possible way, it offers assistance to overcome the loss of your pet with the help of psychologists specialized in grief therapy.
Other services offered include veterinary first aid H24, dog training schools, animal pensions.
Call the number 3388159240 to receive information about our services.

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Contact the staff for info and home pickups

Call or send us a message we are at your disposal, to provide you with all the necessary information about our products, services and for a free consultation.

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