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Cremation of pets also with home collection in Campania and beyond

Angel Service Russo, in order to offer complete services to its customers in the town of Giuliano in Campania and throughout Campania, cremation of companion animals alongside the collection of spoils by appointment: either at the owner’s home or at ‘veterinary clinic.
The company van has a health authorization and home collection is guaranteed within 3 hours from the time of the call.

Urgent home collection service

Beyond opening hours – Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays – a home collection service is available by calling the mobile number +39 338 8159240.

Traceability identification number for ashes

The cremation services of single pet animals, Basic or Royal, require the body of the pet to be placed on a bunk identifiable by a personal code. This code is unique and allows the traceability of the body, without the risk of the ashes being exchanged with those of other animals.

Return of the ashes

After the cremation of pet animals, the ashes can be delivered in two ways:

  • the owner collects them personally at the company headquarters in Giugliano in Campania;
  • a home delivery is made by courier or by Angel Service Russo’s van.
In the case of collective cremation, the return of the ashes is not foreseen and it is not possible to watch the cremation.
At the end of the operation the cremation certificate will be issued.
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